Processes large datasets generically on the graphics card by harnessing it as a
parallel processor. Physics demo updates large systems of objects. Included as
part of the DarkWynter Stream package. The processor uses multiple passes to run
shader instructions against textures. When the processor runs an instructions
sequentially, which creates a low-level process stream. This allows us to map
functions from OOP code into a Stream instruction set.
An override controller system in C# for Xna. It collects input from the Mouse,
Keyboard, XBox Analog Controls, and XBox Digital Controls. Also provides
key-timers to regulate keyboard input timings. Key/Function pairs are added in
override constructor. Key-press events call the associated functions, passing
the keyvalue and a user supplied object[] array via EventArg.
The DarkWynter engine is designed for students, researchers, and industry
personnel interested in rapidly prototyping 3D applications. It has been
constructed in response to the community's need for a light-weight modular
system which can support a variety of research and educational requirements. We
provide the flexibility and horsepower necessary to generate 3D applications
within the 3-5 months window students have in the semester.